
Survey – Families Recovering from Divorce

These questions are for people who have been part of a family where there has been a divorce. The survey is about the experience of being in such a family and the readjustments that that take place following the divorce. Not all of the questions will apply to you. Please answer the questions that do apply to you.           Thanks

Are you an adult_____ ; child _____; teenager_____

Please check all that apply:   I am divorced □    from a divorced home □    step parent □

What is it like having parents who are divorced?



What is it like growing up in a family where a divorce has taken place?



What changes occurred in your family over time?



What suggestions can you make for families recovering from divorce?



What is it like having a step-parent?



What is it like having step-siblings (half brothers or sisters)?



What is it like being a step-parent?



If you have any other comments or suggestions please write them on the back of this sheet.

Return survey to  or mail to: Dr. Neil Grossman, 7 Debbie Court, Dix Hills, NY 11746       Learn about the workshop: Families Recovering from Divorce at